The Challenge
Personal, marital, and family problems make life difficult –
perhaps even unworkable. They can steal joy, health, contentment,
effectiveness, and hope.
The Choice
One can continue to struggle – to feel unfulfilled, live
without peace, neglect oneself and others, and behave in
hurtful ways, perhaps; and then, experience confusion, conflict,
regret, etc. Or, one can bring about the rewards of change
by drawing on the support and skills of caring, competent,
professionals in a confidential setting.
The Services
Experienced, trained, caring, and credentialed behavioral
health professionals at AC4C provide comprehensive
psychological evaluations and educational testing to meet
the needs of all ages. Also, individual, couple, and family
counseling – plus personal growth workshops and seminars –
are available.
The Cost
The numerous types of services we offer require various
costs. For evaluation and counseling, many private,
corporate, and governmental insurance programs apply. A
sliding scale is also available to those who qualify.
Contact us for the details.
The Goal
Our goal is to provide quality psychological care for those
desiring to chart new courses for their lives.
The Work
In this division, the work involves school problems;
behavior disorders; anxiety; depression; fears; trauma;
addictions; abuse; relationship difficulties; sexual
problems; marriage, divorce and remarriage issues; parenting and
step-parenting; spiritual formation; and self-management.
The Focus
Our focus is on both discovery and recovery through
acceptance, understanding, encouragement, empowerment, skills practice,
personal integration, and improved interpersonal relations.
The Philosophy
Although our services are available to anyone – regardless
of race, sex, color, or creed -- we are guided by a
worldview which is Christian and comprehensive in its view
of human development and concerns. We strive to help people
integrate all aspects of their being -- the social,
intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The Step to Take
These services are by appointment only and offered at our
offices at 1943 Armstrong Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446
which is within easy reach of all of the five-county,
metropolitan Philadelphia area. Call 215-699-2437.
Whatever your need, call for a free initial consultation
at 215-699-2437
Alliance Center for Change is located at
1943 Armstrong Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446
Hours: M – Th., 9 AM – 8 PM; F 9 AM –
5 PM